About Us
⬛ Mission Statement

More than 50,000 servicemen and women have been physically injured while serving our country and many, many more have suffered psychological effects and bear the burden of those effects on our behalf.
Warriors Rock In Concert with Gary Racan and the studio e band’s mission is to honor and empower these warriors and make this the most successful well-adjusted generations of Veterans in our Nation’s history.
About Warriors Rock
Warriors Rock is not only a night of sensational music, but an awareness of our veterans needs. Prepare for one of the best shows you will ever see with the most powerful voices of all time. Delight in the sounds of music from all ages and all genres. Renew your patriotism.
Gary & Kim Racan

Kimberly Racan
Began her entrepreneurial endeavors as not only the owner of a health and fitness business, but also its fitness coach. A physician took notice of the success of the business and all it offered and joined forces with Kim to create a program called “The Well Being”, which was the 90’s predecessor to today’s Dr. Oz. During this time she met Gray Racan, who at the time was lead vocalist of The Vogues. Both Kim ad Gary then made life changing decisions, Gary to leave The Vogues and form studio e band and Kim to sell her fitness business and join Gary in the band, not only as a front singer but also its manager. studio e band is a 15 piece band with horn, rhythm, and percussion sections. The group has become one of the top private bands in the country.
Shortly thereafter Kim met dynamic event planner Bonnie Walker and an instant bond was formed. Together they created studio e entertainment llc, a company that provides event planning and entertainment for private events. studio e entertainment llc has provided services for Warner Brothers movie premiers as well as celebrity weddings such as recording artist Wiz Khalifa.
Based on the success and growth of the studio e band, Gary and Kim decided to use the synergy of the studio e band to create an organization to help American veterans. Being involved with the music industry, and realizing that music is a common thread woven into the fabric of all people, and that the members of their audience were comprised of all nationalities and walks of life, the Warriors Rock foundation was created to unite people through music.
“My passion for our Veterans and the success of these concerts keep me working onward.”
Bonnie Walker
Has been an event planner extraordinaire working nationally planning fabulous events. She met Kim & Gary in 1999 and together they became partners in studio e entertainment and Gary producing Bonnie’s favorite band: Gary Racan & studio e band! They have experienced much success together and all decided that it was time to “give back” to our countries Veterans and so WARRIORS ROCK was created! “I am an entertainment snob” says Bonnie “and before I experienced the first concert, I have to admit I thought I would have many things to change…..and WOW! I knew this show was a grand slam!”
We are very proud of what we have done and will continue doing, honoring our Veterans!

Michael Yencha
Warriors Rock is thrilled to have Michael Yencha on board as our Creative Producer! Michael is the behind the scenes person who runs the interviews with our Veterans, helps Kim with logistics to make the concert happen and you will see his face the night of the concert at the reception desk!
Michael was a sheriff deputy (shown here at graduation at Penn State) and proceeded to work as a Personal Assistant to Troy Polamalu (Polamalu is a former American football strong safety who played his entire twelve-year career for Pittsburgh Steelers, NFL). His addition to the WARRIORS ROCK team is a driving force to ensure that these concerts will be in YOUR zip code!